At Riffelhof Vineyards we take environmentalism and resource conservation very seriously. And while we have practiced sustainable farming methods from the inception of our estate, today we proudly maintain rigorous conservation standards and have adopted organic standards for fertilization, insect control, and mildew abatement.
The Riffelhof estate is operated entirely by solar-power and minimal use of propane. No connection to public power utilities exist. Our sole source of water is drawn from our mountain, snow pack fed wells.
Of the grapes used for our wine 95% are varietals that are estate grown. Sourced grapes are combined with our estate grapes during the crush in a process called marrying. To reduce fossil fuel emissions, non-estate grapes are acquired within a 50 mile radius from ranchers who practice sustainable and organic agricultural methods.
All waste generated by the winery is returned to the soil in our vineyards and orchards. This includes the grape stems, skins, pressing waste and even all the water used in cleaning equipment for the wine making processes.
For now, our sales are limited to California in an effort to keep our carbon footprint small.

Riffelhof is committed not just to having a minimal impact on our environment but also in playing a role in reinvesting in our natural resources. We have planted several thousand trees on the property and will continue to enhance wildlife habitat throughout the many micro-climates found on our property.